We build a professional and scalable interactive (Angular) MultiUser WebApp for you:
- Professional (Angular and Azure SQL Server DB)
- CRM (Customer Relation Management)
- WebShop (Enterprise Resource Planning)
- MultiUser (many users can interact at the same time without interfering with each other, while anuhow keeping the database strictly rocksteady consistent at all time)
Example purposes:
- ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)Manage your resources and stocks
- CRM (Customer Relation Management). Your customer contacts and how and when to take care. Also for suppliers and vendors. Or your personel.
- WebShop (your clients can login, choose, order, and pay, the order is processed)
- any integrated combination of ERP, CRM and WebShop
- other purposes can be recruitment, candidate/opportunity management, statistics, ToDo/Calendar Management and many more
in record time (for basic setup) from scratch/concept to working and deployed interactive WebApp
In any language: In English, in het Nederlands, en français, auf Deutsch, en español, in italiano, ...
hosted in Azure Cloud or comparable
- no installation required at all for users, they just need the link
- runs on any recent/decent Smartphone/Tablet/PC that runs a standard browser
- can be protected with password authentication and on top of that with encryption and further secutity measures
- menu to navigate between pages
- interaction with included underlying new database, usually hosted on Azure
- automatic database integrity and architectural elegance
- professional .Net Core/Angular technology
- not much work for you, just explain your business logic, and the terminology including columns headers to be used
- Azure or other recurring provider subscription costs are billed seperately
How can we do this that fast and that cheap?
Indeed, many companies need a team of several programmers working for many months to develop something for similar puposes...